25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications

Sep. 24-27, 2020, Jeju, South Korea

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Paper details

Title: Authenticated Range Query using SGX for Blockchain Light Clients

Authors: Qifeng Shao, Shuaifeng Pang, Zhao Zhang and Cheqing Jing

Abstract: Due to limited computing and storage resources, light clients and full nodes coexist in a typical blockchain system. Any query from light clients must be forwarded to full nodes for execution, and light clients verify the integrity of query results returned. Since existing authenticated query based on Authenticated Data Structure (ADS) suffers from significant network, storage and computing overheads by virtue of Verification Objects (VO), an alternative way turns to Trust Execution Environment (TEE), with which light clients have no need to receive or verify any VO. However, state-of-the-art TEE cannot deal with largescale application conveniently due to limited secure memory space (i.e, the size of enclave in Intel SGX is only 128MB). Hence, we organize data hierarchically in both trusted (enclave) and untrusted memory and only buffer hot data in enclave to reduce page swapping overhead between two kinds of memory. Security analysis and empirical study validate the effectiveness of our proposed solutions.

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