25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications

Sep. 24-27, 2020, Jeju, South Korea

Click following URL


to visit DASFAA 2020 Online Event Site

Camera-ready Instructions

Camera-ready instructions for main conference papers:

Camera-ready versions must follow the LNCS formatting guidelines and not exceed the page limits (all papers must be at least 4 pages):

  • Full research papers: 16 pages
  • Short research papers: 8 pages
  • Industry papers: 12 pages
  • Tutorial papers: 8 pages
  • Demo papers: 4 pages

Please put the signed copyright form, final PDF file, and all source files (i.e., LaTex or MS Word files) into a single zip file, name it using the pattern PaperIDFirstAuthorSurname.zip, and submit the zip file through the following site:

Camera-ready instructions for workshop papers:

Camera-ready versions must follow the LNCS formatting guidelines and not exceed the page limits as specified by the workshop (all papers must be at least 4 pages). Please sign the copyright form for workshop papers , and send it and your camera-ready versions (final PDF file and all source files (i.e., LaTex or MS Word files) ) to the workshop organizers directly. If you have any questions, please contact your workshop organizers.
