25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications

Sep. 24-27, 2020, Jeju, South Korea

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to visit DASFAA 2020 Online Event Site

Call for Demo Papers

The Demonstration Track of DASFAA 2020 provides an engaging and highly interactive way to showcase your database research. Demo submissions are solicited in all areas of database applications, practice, technology, and theory. All demo submissions need to:

  • Motivate the demonstrated concepts.
  • Describe the system and the technology.
  • Detail the features and scenarios that will be demonstrated.
  • Pinpoint the novelty and significance of the contribution.

Demo submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria

  • Potential usefulness.
  • Functionality.
  • Potential for engagement with the audience.
  • Novelty.

Demo submissions must be prepared in accordance with the given submission guidelines for the conference. Demo submissions must not exceed 4 pages, in LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format , including references. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered. Please upload your submission to the DASFAA 2020 Demo Track through the CMT submission link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DASFAADemo2020

Demo submissions must not be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue (including conferences, workshops, and journals) during the time they are being considered for DASFAA. Furthermore, after you submit to DASFAA, you must await our response and only resubmit elsewhere if your demo is rejected (or withdrawn at your request). This restriction applies to identical submissions as well as to submissions with a substantial overlap in scientific content and results. Demo submissions will be included in the conference proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Submission: Jan. 14, 2020
  • Notification: Feb. 21, 2020 → Feb. 14, 2020
  • Camera Ready: Mar. 6, 2020 → Feb. 21, 2020

Demo Co-Chairs

  • Makoto P. Kato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Hwanjo Yu, POSTECH, South Korea
