25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications

Sep. 24-27, 2020, Jeju, South Korea

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Paper details

Title: Recurrent Convolution Basket Map for Diversity Next-basket Recommendation

Authors: Youfang Leng, Li Yu, Jie Xiong and Guanyu Xu

Abstract: Next-basket recommendation plays an important role in both online and offline market. Existing methods often suffer from three challenges: information loss in basket encoding, sequential pattern mining of the shopping history, and the diversity of recommendations. In this paper, we contribute a novel solution called Rec-BMap("Recurrent Convolution Basket Map"), to address those three challenges. Specifically, we ?rst propose basket map, which encodes not only the items in a basket without lossing information, but also static and dynamic properties of the items in the basket. A convolutional neural network followed by the basket map is used to generate basket embedding. Then, a Time-LSTM with time-gate is proposed to learn the sequence pattern from consumer's historical transactions with different time intervals. Finally, a deconvolutional neural network is employed to generate diverse next-basket recommendation. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms existing baselines.

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